Dead Man's Shoes is a 2004 psychological thriller written and directed by Shane Meadows. It stars co-writer Paddy Considine as the lead and tells the story of an ex soldier seeking revenge for his brother who was once horribly tormented by a gang in Derbyshire where the film is set.
This short synopsis of the film is taken from the Shane Meadows website:
Two brothers return to the home town they left years before. They are close, but very different: Richard is strong and purposeful, Anthony younger, more hesitant. Everything Richard does, Anthony innocently mimics. He is slightly retarded and completely in awe of his brother, who in turn is very protective of him. They set up camp in the hills overlooking the town, reminiscing over their shared past. But they're not here to reminisce. Richard is here for revenge.
He knows who he wants and he knows where they live. The town he left eight years ago is still run by the same gang of small-time drug dealers and thugs. The threat of his presence is enough to instill suspicion and paranoia. Why is he back? What does he want? Who is he after?
He knows who he wants and he knows where they live. The town he left eight years ago is still run by the same gang of small-time drug dealers and thugs. The threat of his presence is enough to instill suspicion and paranoia. Why is he back? What does he want? Who is he after?
I immediately loved the whole idea of the film after watching it, it was extremely gripping and although at times slightly horrifying, you were unable to stop watching. I feel that this really helped to influence some of out ideas in terms of the flashbacks and making sure that some things were very unclear in the opening of our film to make people want to continue watching.
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